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Present Simple Lesson Plan
🏆 Present Simple Mastery: A Fun and Engaging Lesson Plan
Direct Instruction
Duration (minutes)
Introduction (5 minutes)
Present New Material (10 minutes)
Guided Practice (10 minutes)
Individual Practice (10 minutes)
Assessment and Reflection (10 minutes)
Review and Closure (10 minutes)
Background Knowledge
Students should have a basic understanding of:
Simple sentence structure (subject + verb + object), common verbs and their meanings, and basic reading and writing skills appropriate for grade 3.
Oracy, Communication
Students will be able to identify and use the present simple tense in sentences.
Students will demonstrate the ability to write sentences using the present simple tense about their daily routines.
Students will engage in collaborative discussions to reinforce their understanding of the present simple tense.
Interactive Whiteboard and Markers: For visual aids and interactive activities.
Story Cards: Cards with simple present tense sentences and illustrations to visually represent actions.
Sentence Strips: Pre-written sentences in the present simple tense for matching activities.
Mini Whiteboards and Markers: For individual practice writing sentences.
"Present Simple Song" Audio Track: A catchy song to aid memorization of the present simple tense.
Worksheets: For guided and independent practice of present simple tense sentences.
Exit Tickets: For a quick assessment of student understanding.
Reflection Journals: For student reflection and extended writing activities.
Lesson Activities
Introduction (5 minutes)
Activity Name: Daily Routines Video
Begin with a provocative question
"What do you do every day?" Show a short, engaging video clip of a child’s daily routine, highlighting actions in the present simple tense.
Teacher Note
Ensure the video is age-appropriate and includes clear examples of the present simple tense.
Present New Material (10 minutes)
Activity Name :Storytelling with Present Simple
Use storytelling to introduce the present simple tense. Display sentences on the interactive whiteboard: "I brush my teeth," "She eats breakfast." Use story cards to visually represent each action.
Teacher Note
Explain that the present simple tense is used for actions that happen regularly or are generally true. Use examples from the students' daily lives.
Core Questions
"What actions do you do every day?" "Can you think of something you do every morning?"
Guided Practice (10 minutes)
Activity Name: Sentence Strip Matching
Hand out sentence strips and ask students to match them with the correct story cards in pairs. Provide immediate feedback and correct as necessary.
Teacher Note
Pair students strategically to ensure that stronger students can support those who may need more help.
Core Questions
"Which sentence matches this picture?" "Why do you think this sentence is in the present simple tense?"
Individual Practice (10 minutes)
Activity Name: Mini Whiteboard Sentences
Distribute mini whiteboards and markers. Ask students to write sentences about their own daily routines using the present simple tense. Walk around to provide support and feedback.
Teacher Note
Encourage students to think about their own routines and use first-person sentences (e.g., "I play soccer").
Core Questions
"What is one thing you do every day?" "Can you write a sentence about it?"
Assessment and Reflection (10 minutes)
Activity Name: Present Simple Song and Worksheets
Play the "Present Simple Song" and have students sing along. Hand out worksheets for students to complete individually. Collect exit tickets with one sentence written in the present simple tense.
Teacher Note
Look for correct usage of the present simple tense in the worksheets and exit tickets. Provide feedback on common errors.
Review and Closure (10 minutes)
Activity Name: Sharing Circle
Gather students in a circle and invite them to share one sentence from their worksheet or reflection journal. Use this time to address any common errors and reinforce learning.
Teacher Note
Encourage all students to participate and share their sentences. Provide positive reinforcement and correct gently.
Core Questions
"Who would like to share a sentence?" "Can you tell us why this sentence is in the present simple tense?"