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Present Perfect Lesson Plan
🌟 Mastering the Present Perfect Tense 🌟
Direct Instruction
Duration (minutes)
Introduction (5 minutes)
Present New Material (10 minutes)
Guided Practice (10 minutes)
Individual Practice (10 minutes)
Assessment and Reflection (5 minutes)
Review and Closure (5 minutes)
Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for English Language Arts, Grade 6 (CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.6.1, CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.6.3)
Background Knowledge
Students need a basic understanding of past and present tenses, and familiarity with regular and irregular verbs.
Critical thinking , Communication , Oracy
Understand and correctly use the present perfect tense.
Develop critical thinking, communication, and oracy skills.
Apply the present perfect tense in speaking and writing activities.
Story Cards: Short stories or scenarios that incorporate the present perfect tense.
Whiteboard and Markers: For direct instruction and visual aids.
Multimedia Presentation: A slideshow with examples and explanations of the present perfect tense.
Worksheets: Practice exercises for guided and individual practice.
Flashcards: Verb forms (base, past simple, past participle) for a matching activity.
Exit Tickets: Quick assessment slips for students to demonstrate understanding at the end of the lesson.
Lesson Activities
Introduction (5 minutes)
Ask students, "Have you ever wondered how to talk about experiences or actions that happened at an unspecified time in the past?" Show a short video clip of people discussing their experiences using the present perfect tense.
Teacher Note
Choose a video clip that is age-appropriate and relatable to the students' interests to capture their attention effectively.
Present New Material (10 minutes)
Direct Instruction
Explain the present perfect tense using a multimedia presentation. Highlight the structure (have/has + past participle) and use storytelling to illustrate its application. Write examples on the whiteboard.
Teacher Note
Use clear and simple stories that students can easily relate to, such as "I have finished my homework" or "She has visited the zoo."
Guided Practice (10 minutes)
Interactive Activity
Use story cards for students to identify and create sentences in the present perfect tense. Provide immediate feedback and corrections as needed.
Teacher Note
Encourage students to work in pairs or small groups to foster collaboration and communication.
Individual Practice (10 minutes)
Worksheet Activity
Students complete exercises that require them to form and use the present perfect tense in sentences. Circulate the room to offer support and feedback.
Teacher Note
Ensure the worksheets have a mix of regular and irregular verbs to challenge students appropriately.
Assessment and Reflection (5 minutes)
Exit Tickets
Students write one sentence using the present perfect tense to demonstrate their understanding. Collect and review for assessment.
Teacher Note
Look for correct use of the structure (have/has + past participle) and provide constructive feedback.
Review and Closure (5 minutes)
Class Discussion
Review key points and clarify any misunderstandings. Encourage students to share their sentences and experiences using the present perfect tense. End with a reflective question: "How can using the present perfect tense help you in everyday conversations?"
Teacher Note
Allow students to express their thoughts freely and validate their contributions to build confidence.