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Present Continuous Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan Summary: Present Continuous






Direct Instruction

Duration (minutes)


  • Introduction: What Are You Doing? (5 mins)

  • Present New Material: Story Time with Present Continuous (10 mins)

  • Guided Practice: Action Story Cards (10 mins)

  • Individual Practice: Present Continuous Worksheets (10 mins)

  • Assessment and Reflection: Flashcard Game and Journals (10 mins)

  • Review and Closure: Sing-Along and Discussion (10 mins)



Background Knowledge

Students need a basic understanding of verbs and sentence structure (subject + verb). The present continuous tense is used to describe actions happening at the moment of speaking. It is formed using the verb "to be" (am/is/are) followed by the base verb with an "-ing" ending. Example: "I am eating."


Communication, Oracy


  • Students will be able to identify and use the present continuous tense correctly in sentences.

  • Students will improve their communication and oracy skills through interactive activities.

  • Students will relate the use of the present continuous tense to real-life scenarios.


  • Interactive Whiteboard: For visual aids and multimedia presentations.

  • Story Cards: Depicting various actions in progress for pair activities.

  • Activity Worksheets: For guided and individual practice, including sentence completion and matching exercises.

  • Flashcards: With verbs and corresponding images for interactive games.

  • Song Lyrics: For a song about daily activities in the present continuous tense.

  • Mini Whiteboards and Markers: For student responses during quick assessments.

  • Reflection Journals: For end-of-lesson reflections on their activities.

  • Props: Such as toys or everyday objects for role-playing activities.

Lesson Activities

Introduction: What Are You Doing? (5 mins) 🎤

Begin by asking, "What are you doing right now?" Encourage students to share their responses. Use this to introduce the concept of the present continuous tense, highlighting actions happening at the moment of speaking.

Teacher Note

Emphasize the importance of using "am/is/are" with the verb ending in "-ing" to form the present continuous tense.

Present New Material: Story Time with Present Continuous (10 mins) 📖

Use the interactive whiteboard to present a short story with visuals, emphasizing verbs in the present continuous tense. For example, "Tom is playing soccer," "Sara is reading a book." Break down the structure of the tense (subject + am/is/are + verb-ing) using clear, simple examples.

Teacher Note

Use colorful and engaging visuals to capture students' attention and aid comprehension.

Guided Practice: Action Story Cards (10 mins) 🃏

Hand out story cards with different actions. In pairs, students describe the actions using the present continuous tense. Circulate the room, providing immediate feedback and support.

Teacher Note

Pair students strategically to ensure that they can support each other and practice effectively.

Individual Practice: Present Continuous Worksheets (10 mins) ✍️

Distribute activity worksheets where students complete sentences or match verbs with appropriate images. Ensure the tasks vary in complexity to cater to diverse learning needs.

Teacher Note

Provide additional support to students who may struggle with the concept, offering simpler tasks if necessary.

Assessment and Reflection: Flashcard Game and Journals (10 mins) 📝

Conduct a quick interactive game using flashcards. Hold up a flashcard, and students write the corresponding sentence on their mini whiteboards. Then, transition to reflection journals where students write a few sentences about what they are doing at that moment, using the present continuous tense.

Teacher Note

Look for correct use of "am/is/are" and "-ing" endings in students' sentences. Offer immediate feedback to reinforce correct usage.

Review and Closure: Sing-Along and Discussion (10 mins) 🎶

Play a song about daily activities in the present continuous tense. Encourage students to sing along and identify verbs in the present continuous. End with a brief discussion on how they can use this tense in real-life scenarios, reinforcing the lesson's relevance.

Teacher Note

Use a catchy and age-appropriate song to make the activity enjoyable and memorable.

Extended Activities

Creative Project

Students create a short skit or role-play using props to demonstrate actions in the present continuous tense.

Collaborative Activity

In small groups, students draw comic strips depicting different activities and narrate them using the present continuous tense.




Story Cards

Story Cards

Question Cards

Question Cards

Activity Worksheet

Activity Worksheet


Present Continuous Song


Present Continuous Song
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