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PEMDAS Lesson Plan

Building a Miniature City: Mastering PEMDAS






Project Based

Duration (minutes)


  • Introduction (10 minutes)

  • Group Formation and Objective Setting (5 minutes)

  • Research and Exploration (10 minutes)

  • Design and Build (15 minutes)

  • Presentation and Peer Review (5 minutes)

  • Reflection and Wrap-Up (5 minutes)


Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.EE.A.2)

Background Knowledge

Students should have basic knowledge of arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) and an introductory understanding of the order of operations (PEMDAS).


Teamwork , Problem solving


  • Students will understand and correctly apply the PEMDAS rule in mathematical calculations.

  • Students will collaborate effectively to design and build a miniature city.

  • Students will reflect on their learning process and the real-world applications of PEMDAS.


  • Building Materials: Cardboard, construction paper, glue, scissors, markers, rulers

  • Visual Aids: PEMDAS posters, order of operations flowchart

  • Technology: Tablets or laptops with internet access for research

  • Interactive Tools: Whiteboard and markers, projector for displaying instructions

  • Worksheets: PEMDAS practice problems, city planning templates

  • Feedback Forms: Peer review templates, self-assessment forms

Lesson Activities

Introduction (10 minutes)

Start with the question, "How can we use math to build a well-organized city?" to pique students' interest. Explain that city planners use math to make sure everything fits together well and functions properly. Show a short video clip of city planners discussing how they use math in their work. Introduce PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division (left to right), Addition and Subtraction (left to right)) and its importance in ensuring correct calculations.

Teacher Note

Use engaging visuals and real-world examples to illustrate how PEMDAS is used in city planning. Ask students to think of their favorite city and what kind of math might be involved in designing it.

Group Formation and Objective Setting (5 minutes)

Divide students into small groups of 4-5 and distribute the building materials. Explain that each group will plan and build a miniature city, ensuring all mathematical operations follow the PEMDAS rule. Discuss the project phases: research, design, build, and present. Emphasize the importance of teamwork and collaboration.

Core Question

"How can you work together to create a well-organized city using PEMDAS?"

Research and Exploration (10 minutes)

Groups will use tablets or laptops to research basic city planning concepts and brainstorm the types of buildings and structures they want to include in their city. They will list out the mathematical operations needed for their city layout, such as calculating areas, perimeters, and costs. Provide city planning templates to guide their research and brainstorming.

Teacher Note:Circulate among groups to assist with research and ensure they are considering PEMDAS in their calculations. Encourage students to discuss their ideas and ask questions.

Core Question

"What types of buildings and structures are essential for a well-organized city, and how will you use PEMDAS to plan them?"

Design and Build (15 minutes)

Students will use the provided materials to create their city models. They must write down the mathematical expressions for each part of their city, ensuring they apply PEMDAS correctly. Teachers will circulate to provide guidance and ensure understanding. Encourage creativity and originality in their designs.

Teacher Note

Provide immediate feedback and assistance as needed. Use the whiteboard to illustrate any complex PEMDAS concepts that students may struggle with.

Core Question:"How can you ensure that your mathematical calculations are accurate and follow the PEMDAS rule?"

Presentation and Peer Review (5 minutes)

Each group will present their city model, explaining how they used PEMDAS in their calculations. Peers will provide feedback using the peer review templates. Encourage constructive and insightful feedback.

Teacher Note

Facilitate the presentations to ensure each group has a chance to share and receive feedback. Highlight effective use of PEMDAS and creative design elements.

Core Question:"What did you learn from other groups' presentations about using PEMDAS in city planning?"

Reflection and Wrap-Up (5 minutes)

Conclude with a reflective discussion on what students learned about PEMDAS and its real-world applications. Students will complete self-assessment forms to reflect on their teamwork and problem-solving skills. Discuss how the skills they used in this project can be applied to other real-world scenarios.

Teacher Note

Encourage students to share their reflections and connect their learning to their own lives and future goals.

Core Question:"How can you use the skills you learned in this project in other areas of your life?"

Evaluation Rubric
  • Accuracy of Calculations (25 points): Correct application of PEMDAS in all mathematical expressions.

  • Creativity and Design (20 points): Originality and thoughtfulness in city planning and model construction.

  • Teamwork (20 points): Effective collaboration and equal participation among group members.

  • Presentation (15 points): Clarity and thoroughness in explaining the project and mathematical concepts.

  • Peer Feedback (10 points): Constructive and insightful feedback provided to other groups.

  • Self-Assessment (10 points): Honest and reflective self-evaluation of personal and group performance.

Teacher Guidance
  • Monitor group activities, providing immediate feedback and assistance.

  • Use visual aids and interactive tools to reinforce PEMDAS concepts.

  • Encourage students to explain their reasoning and justify their answers.

  • Scaffold learning by breaking down complex tasks and gradually increasing independence.

  • Differentiate instruction to cater to diverse learning needs and styles.


Rule Table

Rule Table



Peer Review Sheet

Peer Review Sheet



Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan

Task Cards

Task Cards


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