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New Year Resolutions ESL

🎉 New Year Resolutions: A Path to Personal and Community Growth 🎉






Project Based

Duration (minutes)



Introduction (10 min): "Why Resolutions Matter"

Group Formation and Brainstorming (10 min): "Let's Get Creative"

Research and Exploration (15 min): "Digging Deeper"

Project Creation (10 min): "Bringing Ideas to Life"

Presentation and Peer Feedback (10 min): "Sharing and Growing"

Reflection (10 min): "Looking Back and Moving Forward"


Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for Grade 7 English (CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.7.1, CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.7.2, CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.7.7)

Background Knowledge

Students should have a foundational understanding of goal setting and its role in personal and community improvement. Familiarity with basic research skills, such as finding and evaluating information online, will aid in their exploration of effective resolutions. Additionally, experience working in groups and presenting ideas to a class will support collaboration and communication during project creation and presentations. Exposure to community challenges or examples of impactful change will help contextualize the importance of resolutions beyond a personal scope.




  • Students will identify and articulate personal and community-oriented New Year resolutions.

  • Students will collaborate to research, create, and present a project on New Year resolutions.

  • Students will reflect on their learning experience and the impact of setting goals on personal and community growth.


  • Interactive Whiteboard: For displaying prompts, instructions, and videos.

  • Chart Paper and Markers: For creating group posters.

  • Laptops/Tablets: For research and creating digital presentations.

  • New Year Resolutions Worksheet: Guided questions and sentence starters to facilitate brainstorming.

  • Peer Feedback Forms: Structured format for giving and receiving feedback.

  • Reflective Journals: For individual reflection and self-assessment.

  • Sample Resolutions Videos: Short clips of real people discussing their resolutions to provide real-world examples.

Lesson Activities

1. Introduction (10 min): "Why Resolutions Matter"

Activity:Begin with a thought-provoking question: "How can setting New Year resolutions help us improve our lives and our community?" Display this question on the interactive whiteboard.

Teacher Note:Engage students by sharing a personal story or a well-known example of a successful resolution.

Show a short clip from the Sample Resolutions Videos to illustrate real-world examples.

Present the lesson objectives and explain the project outcome: creating a poster or digital presentation on their resolutions.

2. Group Formation and Brainstorming (10 min): "Let's Get Creative"

Activity:Divide students into small groups. Provide each group with chart paper and markers.

Groups brainstorm and list potential resolutions using the New Year Resolutions Worksheet to guide their discussion.

Teacher Note:Encourage students to think about both personal and community-oriented resolutions.

Core Questions:"What are some areas in your life or community that you want to improve?" "Why is this resolution important to you?"

3. Research and Exploration (15 min): "Digging Deeper"

Activity:Groups use laptops/tablets to research examples of effective resolutions and strategies for achieving them. Encourage students to look at real-world applications and current events.

Teacher Note:Circulate to provide scaffolding and support. Offer guided questions like, "What challenges might you face in achieving this resolution?" and "What resources can help you succeed?"

Core Questions:"How have others successfully achieved similar resolutions?" "What steps are necessary to reach your goals?"

4. Project Creation (10 min): "Bringing Ideas to Life"

Activity:Groups create a poster or digital presentation summarizing their resolutions and the steps they will take to achieve them. Ensure each group member has a speaking part.

Teacher Note:Encourage creativity and ensure that each student contributes to the project. Provide sentence starters if needed.

Core Questions:"How can you visually represent your resolutions?" "What are the key points you want to highlight in your presentation?"

5. Presentation and Peer Feedback (10 min): "Sharing and Growing"

Activity:Groups present their projects to the class. Use the Peer Feedback Forms for structured feedback. Encourage students to focus on constructive criticism and positive reinforcement.

Teacher Note:Model how to give constructive feedback and emphasize the importance of listening actively.

Core Questions:"What did you find most inspiring about the presentation?" "What suggestions do you have for improvement?"

6. Reflection (10 min): "Looking Back and Moving Forward"

Activity:Students individually write in their Reflective Journals about what they learned and how they can apply these resolutions in their lives. Discuss as a class how setting goals can lead to personal and community improvement.

Teacher Note:Encourage students to think deeply about their reflections and share their insights with the class.

Core Questions:"What was the most valuable lesson you learned today?" "How can you apply what you learned to your daily life?"

📝 Evaluation Rubric:

  • Content (40%): Clarity and relevance of resolutions, depth of research.

  • Collaboration (20%): Group dynamics, equal participation.

  • Presentation (20%): Clarity, organization, and engagement.

  • Reflection (20%): Depth of individual reflection, connection to real-world applications.


Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan



Peer Feedback Form

Peer Feedback Form

Task Cards

Task Cards




OUR NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS 🎆 "New Year New Me Literally" | Kinigra Deon


OUR NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS 🎆 "New Year New Me Literally" | Kinigra Deon
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