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Irregular Verbs Lesson Plan

📚 Mastering Irregular Verbs through Real-Life Storytelling






Project Based

Duration (minutes)


  • Introduction (10 minutes)

  • Research and Exploration Phase (15 minutes)

  • Project Development (20 minutes)

  • Presentation and Peer Feedback (5 minutes)

  • Reflection (5 minutes)


Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for Grade 7 English Language Arts (specifically CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.7.1.B - Use of irregular verbs)

Background Knowledge

Students are familiar with basic verb forms and have some exposure to irregular verbs. They have experience with group work and basic research skills. They are developing storytelling abilities and are comfortable using digital tools for presentations.


Oracy , Communication


  • Understand Irregular Verb Usage

  • Apply Irregular Verbs in Storytelling

  • Reflect on Real-Life Applications of Irregular Verbs


  • Interactive Whiteboard: For displaying multimedia content and group work.

  • Story Prompt Cards: Cards with various real-life scenarios for storytelling.

  • Irregular Verb List Handout: A list of common irregular verbs.

  • Chart Paper and Markers: For group poster creation.

  • Laptops/Tablets: For research and digital storytelling tools.

  • Peer Feedback Forms: Structured forms for students to provide feedback.

  • Reflective Journals: Notebooks for students to write their reflections.

  • Rubric for Evaluation: Clear criteria for assessing the project outcomes.

Lesson Activities

Introduction (10 minutes)

Begin with the thought-provoking question: "How do irregular verbs make our stories more engaging and authentic?"

Present a real-world problem: "Imagine you are a journalist reporting on a significant event. How can you accurately and vividly describe what happened using irregular verbs?"

Set objectives: Understand and use irregular verbs correctly in storytelling.

Teacher Note

Use examples from current events or popular media to make the problem relatable.

Research and Exploration Phase (15 minutes)

Divide students into small groups and distribute story prompt cards with real-life scenarios (e.g., a sports event, a historical moment, a personal experience).

Provide the irregular verb list handout and laptops/tablets for research.

Each group discusses the scenario and identifies the irregular verbs they will use.

Teacher Note

Encourage students to think about how the verbs change the narrative and add depth to their stories.

Core Questions:

  • What is the significance of using irregular verbs in your story?

  • How do irregular verbs enhance the vividness of your narrative?

Project Development (20 minutes)

Groups create a storyboard on chart paper, incorporating irregular verbs into their narrative.

Encourage creativity by allowing students to use digital storytelling tools to enhance their presentations.

Teacher circulates, providing guidance and scaffolding as needed.

Teacher Note

Offer examples of creative storytelling techniques, such as dialogue, descriptive language, and visual aids.

Core Questions:

  • How can you make your story compelling using irregular verbs?

  • What digital tools can enhance your storytelling?

Presentation and Peer Feedback (5 minutes)

Each group presents their story to the class.

Use peer feedback forms for structured, constructive feedback.

Teacher Note

Model how to give constructive feedback, focusing on specific examples of irregular verb usage and storytelling techniques.

Reflection (5 minutes)

Students write in their reflective journals about what they learned and how they can apply irregular verbs in real-life communication.

Conclude with a class discussion connecting the lesson to real-world applications.

Teacher Note

Prompt students to think about how they can use irregular verbs in future writing assignments and everyday conversations.

Core Questions:

  • What did you learn about irregular verbs today?

  • How can you use irregular verbs in your daily communication?

Evaluation Rubric
  • Accuracy of irregular verb usage: Correct and appropriate use of irregular verbs in context.

  • Creativity and engagement of the story: Originality and ability to captivate the audience.

  • Collaboration and teamwork: Effective group work and contribution from all members.

  • Presentation skills: Clarity, confidence, and use of digital tools.

  • Reflective insights: Depth of understanding and ability to connect learning to real-life applications.


Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan

Rule Table

Rule Table



Irregular Verbs List Handout

Irregular Verbs List Handout

Feedback Form

Feedback Form

Story Cards

Story Cards

Evaluation Rubric

Evaluation Rubric




Kites Sail high A book about verbs written and illustrated by Ruth Heller


Kites Sail high A book about verbs written and illustrated by Ruth Heller
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