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French Revolution Lesson Plan

🌟 The French Revolution: A Revolution of Ideas 🌟






Direct Instruction

Duration (minutes)


  • Introduction (5 min) 🎬

  • Present New Material (15 min) 📜

  • Guided Practice (10 min) 🎭

  • Individual Practice (10 min) ✍️

  • Assessment and Reflection (10 min) 📝

  • Review and Closure (5 min) 🔍



Background Knowledge

Simple sentence structure (subject + verb + object).


Critical thinking, Growth mindset


  • Analyze the causes and key events of the French Revolution.

  • Evaluate the impact of the French Revolution on different social classes.

  • Draw parallels between the French Revolution and contemporary social movements.


  • Primary Source Pack: Excerpts from "The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen," "Cahiers de Doléances," and personal letters from the period.

  • Visual Aids: Timeline of key events, infographics on social classes, and political cartoons from the era.

  • Multimedia Tools: Short video clips on the French Revolution (e.g., from History Channel or BBC).

  • Interactive Activity Kit: Role cards for a mock National Assembly debate.

  • Reflection Journals: Notebooks for students to record their thoughts and reflections.

  • Group Work Materials: Chart paper, markers, and sticky notes for collaborative activities.

Lesson Activities

Introduction (5 min) 🎬

Begin with a provocative question

"What would you do if you had no food and no voice in your government?" 

Show a brief video clip on the conditions in pre-revolutionary France to activate prior knowledge and set the stage.

Teacher Note

Use vivid descriptions to help students empathize with the struggles of the French populace.

Present New Material (15 min) 📜

Use storytelling to narrate the key events of the French Revolution, breaking down the material into manageable chunks. Display a timeline and infographics to visualize the progression of events and the social hierarchy. Incorporate excerpts from primary sources to provide multiple perspectives.

Teacher Note

Highlight the significance of each event and its impact on different social classes.

Core Questions

"What were the main causes of the French Revolution?" "How did the social hierarchy contribute to the unrest?"

Guided Practice (10 min) 🎭

Organize a mock National Assembly debate where students, assigned different roles (e.g., King Louis XVI, a peasant, a member of the bourgeoisie), discuss reforms. Provide role cards and specific talking points. Facilitate and provide feedback to ensure constructive and critical discussions.

Teacher Note

Encourage students to stay in character and use historical context to support their arguments.

Core Question

"What reforms would you propose to address the grievances of your social class?"

Individual Practice (10 min) ✍️

Have students write a brief reflection in their journals, answering questions like, "How did the French Revolution change the lives of ordinary people?" and "What parallels can you draw between the French Revolution and current social movements?"

Teacher Note

Encourage students to use specific examples from the lesson to support their reflections.

Assessment and Reflection (10 min) 📝

Conduct a quick formative assessment with a quiz on key events and concepts. Follow this with a group discussion on the moral and social implications of the revolution, encouraging students to connect it to modern-day issues.

Teacher Note

Look for students' ability to make connections between historical events and contemporary issues.

Core Question

"How do the principles of the French Revolution resonate in today's world?"

Review and Closure (5 min) 🔍

Summarize the key points discussed, emphasizing the overarching themes and big ideas. Encourage students to share one takeaway from the lesson and how it relates to their lives. 

End with a thought-provoking question for further reflection

"How do revolutions shape the world we live in today?"

Teacher Note

Reinforce the importance of understanding history to make sense of current events.


Visual Aids

Visual Aids

Primary Source Pack

Primary Source Pack


French Revolution Video


French Revolution Video
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