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Articles of Confederation Lesson Plan

Understanding the Articles of Confederation: A Journey Through America's First Constitution






Direct Instruction

Duration (minutes)


  • Introduction (5 minutes) 🌟

  • Present New Material (15 minutes) 🎥

  • Guided Practice (10 minutes) 📝

  • Individual Practice (10 minutes) ✍️

  • Assessment and Reflection (10 minutes) ✨

  • Review and Closure (5 minutes) 🔄


Common Core State Standards for History/Social Studies (CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.9-10.2, CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.9-10.4, CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.9-10.9)

Background Knowledge

Students have a general understanding of the American Revolution and the establishment of the United States. They are familiar with the basic structure of the current U.S. government but have limited knowledge of the Articles of Confederation.


Critical thinking , Adaptability


  • Students will identify and explain the key components of the Articles of Confederation.

  • Students will analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation.

  • Students will connect historical events to contemporary issues and their own lives.


  • Primary Source Pack: Copies of the Articles of Confederation (excerpts) - Used in Guided Practice for analysis.

  • Interactive Timeline: Digital tool or printed timeline of events - Used during Review and Closure to contextualize the Articles.

  • Multimedia Presentation: PowerPoint or video summarizing key points and context - Used to Present New Material.

  • Guided Practice Worksheet: Analytical questions and prompts - Used in Guided Practice to facilitate discussion.

  • Individual Practice Task: Short essay prompt on the strengths and weaknesses of the Articles - Used for Individual Practice.

  • Assessment Rubric: Criteria for evaluating the short essay and participation - Used during Assessment and Reflection.

  • Reflection Journal: Notebook or digital document for personal reflections - Used during Assessment and Reflection.

  • Group Activity Materials: Large paper, markers for creating visual representations - Used for Guided Practice and group work.

Lesson Activities

Introduction (5 minutes) 🌟

Activity Name

Provocative Question

Begin with a provocative question, "What if the United States had no president and each state made its own laws?"

Allow students to discuss briefly with a partner and then share their thoughts with the class.

Teacher Note

This question is designed to activate prior knowledge and get students thinking critically about the role of a centralized government.

Present New Material (15 minutes) 🎥

Activity Name

Multimedia Presentation

Use a multimedia presentation to introduce the Articles of Confederation. Highlight its historical context, key articles, and the challenges it faced. Incorporate storytelling techniques, such as the story of Shay's Rebellion, to make the content engaging.

Teacher Note

Use visuals and anecdotes to make the historical content relatable and memorable.

Guided Practice (10 minutes) 📝

Activity Name

Analyzing Primary Sources

Distribute the Primary Source Pack and Guided Practice Worksheet. Have students work in pairs to analyze excerpts from the Articles of Confederation, using the worksheet to guide their discussion. Circulate the room to provide timely feedback and support.

Teacher Note

Encourage students to think about how each article would impact the functioning of the government and the lives of citizens.

Individual Practice (10 minutes) ✍️

Activity Name

Short Essay Prompt

Assign a short essay prompt: "Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation and how they impacted the early United States." Ensure students use their reflections from the guided practice.

Teacher Note

Provide a clear rubric and examples of strong analytical writing to guide students.

Assessment and Reflection (10 minutes) ✨

Activity Name

Essay Evaluation and Reflection Journal

Collect essays and use the Assessment Rubric to evaluate them. Allow students to share their thoughts in a Reflection Journal, connecting the historical content to their own lives and current events.

Teacher Note

Look for students' ability to critically analyze the Articles and make connections to contemporary issues.

Review and Closure (5 minutes) 🔄

Activity Name

Class Discussion and Timeline Review

Reconvene as a class to discuss key takeaways. Use the Interactive Timeline to review the chronological sequence of events and how the Articles led to the drafting of the U.S. Constitution. End with a reflective question: "How do you think the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation shaped the future of American government?"

Teacher Note

Ensure that students understand the cause-and-effect relationship between historical events and the development of the U.S. Constitution.








Rule Table

Rule Table

Task Cards

Task Cards

Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the Blanks




Articles of Confederation Lesson Plan


Articles of Confederation Lesson Plan
The Background of the Articles of Confederation

Academic Article

The Background of the Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation overview and structure of government Copy


Articles of Confederation overview and structure of government Copy
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